Checking for Cheaters: Who is Searching the Ashley Madison List?

According to new research, just under seven percent of Americans have checked to see if their partner is on the Ashley Madison user list.

A survey of 1,500 people from across the U.S. shows that the vast majority of Americans – 93.3 percent –  have chosen not to look for their loved one’s information in any database or are not aware of Ashley Madison at all.

The research was commissioned by the family law attorneys at the Bishop Law Office after The Impact Team hacker group released over 10 gigabytes of Ashley Madison user data online.

Survey participants were asked “Have you checked to see if your significant other was on the Ashley Madison list?” Below are the results.

Checked vs Have Not Checked

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Overall, only 6.7% of people admitted to checking to see if their significant other was part of the Ashley Madison list. It very well could be the case that these numbers are actually higher but most people surveyed either had not checked, pretended not to know what Ashley Madison was or genuinely had no knowledge of the site.


Males vs Females 


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Of the 6.7 percent of people that have looked, men were almost twice as likely to check up on their significant other than women – eight percent of men compared to 4.7 percent of women.


Who is searching by age group?

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Perhaps unsurprisingly, younger, more tech savvy age groups are checking the data at a much higher rate than older groups are.


What region in the U.S. checks the most?


The South leads with way with 9% of survey participants having checked to see if their partner was on the list, followed by the West at 7%, the Midwest at 6% and the Northeast with just 4%.

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Street Interviews

We interviewed people on the streets as well to ask them if they had checked to see if their significant other’s email address was was on the list and everyone we interviewed said they didn’t care, didn’t want to know or didn’t even know what Ashley Madison was. Understandably considering the topic, there were plenty of people who declined to be interviewed on camera.